Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Week 7: Genesis 6:9–9:29

This week we looked at the story of Noah's flood (Gen. 6:9–9:17), including the enigmatic story at the end of Noah's drunkenness (Gen. 9:18–29). We ended by looking at how some of the New Testament writers interpret the story of Noah.

Class Discussion:
  • Levels of interpretation

  • Main idea statement for Genesis 1–11
  • How is the story of Noah commonly preached?
  • What is the author's purpose for the story of Noah's drunkenness?
  • Compare and contrast the genealogies of Cain and Seth
  • What is the function of Genesis 9:18–29 in the author's overall narrative of Genesis 2–11?

  • How do the New Testament authors interpret and apply the story of Noah?  

At-Home Skills Practice:

  • Step 1: Ok, it’s our last time through Genesis 1–11. Read it one more time. By now, you should have three documents for this section of Scripture: 1) an outline, 2) a main idea statement, and 3) a list of repeated key terms/phrases. If you lack any of those components, work on composing the missing document this week. If you already have all three, go back and refine what you got the first time in light of your subsequent study. Bring this with you to class so we can discuss it together.
  • Step 2: Read Gen. 11:1–9 carefully. How does this account connect to previous parts of the redemption story in Genesis 1–9? How does it push the story of redemption forward? In other words, what is the author’s purpose here?
  • Step 3: Compare and contrast the author’s record of the genealogies Adam’s descendants through Seth (Gen. 5:1–32) and Noah’s descendants through Shem (Gen. 11:10–26) of Adam and Noah. What similarities do you notice?
    • Also answer this question: How does the genealogy of Shem push the story of redemption forward? Bring this with you to class so we can discuss it together.
Digging Deeper:

  • Read: Chapter 4 in Stuart and Fee's book, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth.